Thursday, July 18, 2013

Where It Began

       The name of this blog represents the mentality by which I try to live. Agnosia is from an ancient Greek word and means 'absence of knowledge' or 'ignorance'. The second word is the french word 'but'. Together I hoped they would portray me as aware of my own shortcomings, but searching for the knowledge to increase my human potential.

       These writings are to share my experiences, revelations, and hardships pertaining to Peace Corps service with anyone who might be so inclined to care, or anyone wishing to live vicariously through my actions.

       The first question I usually get in regard to my choice is 'why?' While many motivations directed me to this choice, my typical answer is that I wished to test myself. I've spent the last five years of my life improving my mind and training my body. Through the process though I had forgotten something, I'd forgotten that the reason I was progressing wasn't for the sake of progress itself, but because if I stopped now to work on myself then in the future I would be better able to help out my fellow man. This realization occurred to me about a year and a half ago, and wouldn't I be so lucky as to have a friend join the Peace Corps at the same time. 

       Such an undertaking had not crossed my mind, yet upon examination everything fit perfectly. I'd been training and working for four years but didn't really have any means of evaluating my efforts. The Peace Corps presented such a challenge, with an exquisite bonus of helping people to be the primary objective of Peace Corps service. Everything seemed to fit on the macro, and being the thorough individual that I am I started looking at the small things too. Service seemed fiscally responsible, everything is paid and loans are deferred for the duration of service. I wasn't in a relationship and had no plans to start one. I'd likely pick up a foreign language and not only see parts of the world but really live them. I'd be without the usual companions but I spend most of my time alone or in my head anyway, not much of a change really. Background reading revealed that excessive amounts of down time would be likely, perfect for reading and training in an environment lacking internet and modern distractions. What's not to love?

       A year has passed and I am two months away from departure. Paperwork, planning, and packing lists dominate my mind, Doctors visits and immunization shots occupy my time, and excitement mixed with unease seep into my demeanor. One could say to me "You'll have a tale or two to tell when you come back."

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